Statement Transportation

Statement on MTA's Labor Deal With the TWU

January 17, 2017


Carol Kellermann

Jamison Dague


212-279-2605, ext. 322 

518-429-2959 ext. 338


The Citizens Budget Commission released this statement on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's (MTA's) labor deal with the Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100:

"New Yorkers should welcome the news of 28 months of labor peace on the subways and buses, but it comes at a price. The settlement is more generous than the MTA's financial plan provides and may require higher fare increases than planned or more borrowing to support the capital program. It also means another 28 months are lost before productivity gains from work rule and benefit changes can be achieved."

For further information contact Kevin Medina at [email protected] or 212-279-2605 ext. 342.