Report State Budget

Recommendations for the New York State 2005-2006 Budget

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March 21, 2005

Governor George E. Pataki presented the Executive Budget for fiscal year 2005-2006 on January 18, 2005. Consistent with legal requirements, he updated the proposed budget on February 8 and February 19. The State Legislature is now considering the Governor’s proposals, and it is scheduled to adopt a budget before the new fiscal year begins on April 1, 2005. This memorandum presents recommendations to the Legislature, and particularly its Conference Committees, for the enacted budget.

Four key recommendations:

  1. Significantly reduce spending on Medicaid and ineffective programs.
  2. Make meaningful progress in a long-run realignment of State and local fiscal responsibilities for Medicaid and school financing.
  3. Balance the budget with recurring revenues.
  4. Enact the budget on time and in full sunlight.